Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chapter 3 Digital Badge 3

Transformers aren’t the only thing that transform; the way that a student learns and a teacher teaches can be transformed into an element of heightened learning with the use of technology in the classroom as a tool for good. This isn’t anything new and has happened multiple times in the past. An example would be the introduction of television sets to the classroom, upgrading classrooms from having just a chalk board, but now teachers could show their lessons in black and white and wonderful Technicolor! Even later than that, there was a campaign for “cable in the classroom” in which educational television would be presentable to students in the school system. This brought even more to the classroom than what a simple VHS and TV could offer. Classrooms, like everything else, are constantly evolving for hope of better.

                (Honestly, this sums up a huge part of the chapter and I couldn’t really find much else that I could say so here’s a video)

my apologies

1 comment:

  1. Good to see your embedded video! :) Remember that this assignment is more focused on your reflection of the content and so to extend what you started - how do YOU think the b/w to technicolor made a difference (or not) in the classroom? what impact has such technology had on your own learning? what about for your future as a classroom teacher? etc. Never need to apologize!! But do remember to add your Resources section with both the textbook and any other resources (YouTube video) in APA format. :)
